.Net most asked interview questions for experienced professionals (C#,Asp WEBFORM,MVC,ASP CORE,WEB API,SQL Server,Java Script,Jquery)
Hello All
Recently I have participated in multiple interviews. I found a lot of most frequently asked questions on the .Net framework. So I am just going to share with you, I hope it will be helpful while interview.
I am just starting from C# questions and you have to find the answer over the Internet. I will update more question later
C# Question
- What is manage/Unmanaged code in c#
- Tell me one scenario, Use of Interface instead of Abstract?
- Difference between Abstract Class and Interface with Scenario when to use it (Brief explain )
- What happens if the inherited interfaces have conflicting method names?
- If one interface has 5 methods and wants to implement only 2 methods derived class. How can we do it?
- What Difference between Abstract and virtual method and why we use if both near to same
- What is Constructor and its type, Default, Public, Private, Static
- What is the Constructor Chaining in C#?
- What is Property with give me an example, tell me when to use it
- What is the Difference between Dictionary, Hashtable, List?
- What is the difference between ref and out parameter in c# method and when to use ref, out? whereas I can do it using another way
- What is the Difference between Const, Static, Static Readonly with Example
- Can I use Const from Web Config?
- What is the work of THIS keyword and is this possible to use it with Static and why I can do it or not?
- Explain Extension method, write syntex, tell me one example
- What is the Difference between Finilize, Dispose, Finally? where you normally call dispose of method ?
- Is this possible to use multiple Finally block or nested Try block and what will happen?
- What is the difference between String and String Builder, what is String Interpolation in c#? (Introduced in c# 6.0)
- Explain Delegate, multiple Delegate, Events, Difference between both and Uses of it, Is this possible to kept subsicriber, Publisher in one class while developing Event?.
- What is the Difference between Access modifier, Access specifier with example
- Explain in details all type Access access mofier that support in c#
- Explain Polymorphism ,Encapsulation .abstraction,Data hiding
- What is the Difference between Polymorphism and Encapsulation, Encapsulation, Abstraction, Data Hiding?
- Explain SOLID Principles with an example for each Principle.
- Prepare 3-4 Design pattern before going in the interview like Singleton, Abtractfactory pattern, etc
- Why use Private constructor, Static member, Static method, Seald class in Singleton and write code to make Singleton, What will happen if Multi-thread using Singleton, Big disadvantage
- How to avoid Singleton instance creation by cloning?
- Explain Dependices Injection
- What is IEnumerable, Inumrator, List, IQueryable, Difference between IEnumerable and Iqueryable, List ? when to use it
- What is the difference between late binding and early binding in C#?
- Array and Array list, for and foreach loop differences, var, Object, Dynamic?
- What’s the difference between the Array.CopyTo() and Array.Clone()?
- Can Multiple Catch Blocks execute in c#?
- Difference between Throw Exception and Throw Clause?
- Difference between is and as the operator in C#?
- How to use Nullable<> Types in C#?
- what is Named Parameter, Default in the method? How can we pass 2 parameters but method have already 5 arguments? Different Ways of Method can be overloaded?
- What is an Object Pool in .Net?
- How to reverse a string?
- How to find if the given String is Palindrome or not?
- How to reservse the order of word in a given string?
- How to reverse each word in a given string (input: manvendra Patel, Output: ardnevnam letap)?
- How to count the occurrence of each character in a string/Array element?
- How to remove duplicate characters from a string/Array?
- How to find all possible substring of a given string/Array?
- How to perform Left circular rotation of an array?
- How to find if a positive integer is a prime number or not?
- How to find the sum of digits of a positive integer?
- How to find the second largest integer in an array using only one loop?
- How to swap two numbers without using a temp variable in C#
- Write a C# program to determine total ways stairs can be climbed
- Write a C# program to calculate factorial using recursion
- Write a C# function to print the nth number in Fibonacci series?
- Write a C# function to accept 2 integers and return the remainder
- Write a C# program to check if the entered number is Armstrong number?
- Write a C# program to solve the FizzBuzz problem
- What is a Virtual Method in C#?
- What do you understand by Value types and Reference types in C#?
- What is Serialization in C#? what type its return ?(byte Stream )
- What is the use of the “using” statement in C#?
- What is a Jagged Array in C#?
- What is Multithreading with .NET? Difference between thread and Process, Difference between Threading and Palleral Programming
- What is Reflection and why we use it, how to make our own reflection code?
- What is assembly, Type of Assembly, Difference between Assembly and DLL, what is Dell hell issue and how .Net framework resolve it .
- Explain Anonymous Types in C#?
- Explain Indexing in C# with the example, what value take it ?
- How do you generate a random number in C#?
- How to split the string using Regex in C#?
- How can you get the assembly version in C#?
- How would you Read settings from app.config or web.config in C#?
- When you create and compile an application in C#, what all are the files get generated in Debug folder?
- Can you add extension methods to an existing static class?
- What is the difference between Object pooling and Connection pooling in C#?
- What is the use of volatile keyword?
- What is the use of Partial class in C#?
- What is async method in C#?
- How to catch multiple exceptions at once in C#?
- Write a Regular expression to validate email address?
- Can you loop through all Enum values in C#?
- Should ‘using’ statements be inside or outside the namespace in C#?
- Should a return statement be inside or outside a lock statement?
- How to iterate over a Dictionary in C#?
- What is the use of the IDisposable interface in C#?
- How do you give a C# Auto-Property a default value?
- What all are the difference between Dictionary class and Hashtable class?
- When to use struct instead of class in C#?
- Why do we need Reflection in C#?
- How do you mark a method as Obsolete/Deprecated?
- Can you use ref and out parameters in Lambda expression, if declared outside?
- What does the tilde (~) mean in C#? Can you use tilde(~) with Enum in C#?
- What does placing a @ in front of a C# variable name do?
- How do you give a C# Auto-Property a default value?
- What is the use of Yield keyword in C#?
- What is AsyncCallback in C#?
- What is Nested types in C# and how to use it?
- What is an Attribute in C#?
- What is Null Coalescing Operator in C#?
- How to return multiple values from a function in C#?
- What all are the differences between Rectangular and Jagged Array in C#?
- How can you cancel an Async operation in C#?
- Can an abstract class be Sealed in C#?
- What is the main use of a finally block in exception handling?
- What are the generations in GC in C#?
- What is the difference between System exceptions and Application exceptions?
- When to use Tuples in C#?
- What is Race condition in C#?
- How to Force Garbage Collection?
- What are weakreferences in C#? How is it different than StrongReferences
- What are XML namespaces for?
- What is the difference between Debug.Write and Trace.Write in C#?
- What is the difference between myStudent?GetType() and typeof(Student) in C#?
- What is the difference between an EXE and a DLL?
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of using the GAC?
- If asynchronous execution takes less total time to finish than synchronous execution, why would anybody choose synchronous execution?
- What is the difference between == and .Equals method in c#?
- what is ASP.net and what is the life cycle of asp.net?
- Tell me priority of page (Master Page, Child page, a User control) based on page life cycle events to render on web Browser
- Tell me State management technic in asp.net
- What is Session? type of session? when to use Out Proc session instead of inProc, give me a scenario
- What happens if cockies disable how the session will work?
- What is the difference between Session and Application state management? How Application State works
- What is View State, On which event it loads and what happened when view state disable for a page, where value save after postback
- Does ViewState affect performance? What is the ideal size of a ViewState? How can you compress a ViewState?
- How can you detect if a ViewState has tampered?
- What is the Advantages and disadvantage of view state?
- What is Cookies and what is cookies less, In Cookies less how the session works?
- What is Caching in asp.net? Type of Caching?
- Which page event we can use to create dynamic controls, Apply theme, Set Master Page, Skins?
- What is Ajax in asp.net?
- What is the update panel in asp.net? Is it possible to Use normal Upload control to upload file in Update Panel, How can you Achieve that?
- What is HTTP Handler and Web Method? What is the Difference between HTTP Handler and HTTP Module (Most Asked Question)?
- What is the Difference between asp.net HTTP Handler, asp.net HTTP Module and asp MVC HTTP Handler, asp MVC HTTP Module?
- What is the concepts of Globalization and Localization in .NET?
- What is the Web.config file in ASP.NET?
- What is Global.asax and what is major events?
- what is the Difference between Gridview, Datalist, Repeater? Events of Gridview
- What is the difference between Edit and Editing in Gridview?
- What is the authentication and authorization in ASP.NET? Mode of authentication, How we can achieve it asp.net
- What is the Difference between User Control and Custom control?
- What is HttpContext? And What is the difference between HttpContext.Current.Items and HttpContext.Current.Session in ASP.NET
- What is the difference between Server. Transfer and Response.redirect (Most Asked)
- Tell Me different way to transfer data from one page to another page.
- How to Transfer data without cookies, Session, Server.Transfer, Server.Transfer, Query String (Most Asked)
- What is Page Directives in asp.net?
- What is the use of the AutoEventWireup attribute in the Page directive?
- What is tracing in .NET?
- Major reasons to select the dotnet framework to develop software?
- web services support data reader?
- what is the Difference between Dataset.clone and Dataset.Copy
- what is the Difference between Dataset and Reader, Adapter
- Can we use more than one web config in one asp Application
- What is Cross- Page Posting in asp.net? (Most Asked )
- What is IIS and why do we use it?
- What are the Important components of .Net?
- What is CTS,CRL,CLR,JIT,MSIL,CAS (Code access Security),Diffrent components of CAS,GAC?
- Can I deploy the application without deploying the source code on the server?
- Can I use different programming languages in the same application? What we have to do?
- How to secure your connection string information?
- How to configure ASP.NET applications that are running on a remote machine?
- What is the difference between Response. Write and Response.Output.Write?
- what are the commonly used exceptions in .Net? What is the difference between System exception and Application Exception
- Can we create a custom exception in dotnet? And How can we create?
- What is strongName in Assembly?
- What is Ispostback? When we will use Not Ispostback?
- How can we convert client-side control as server-side control? How can we convert server-side control as client-side control?
- Suppose we need a certain ASP.NET function to be executed on mouse-over over a certain button or textbox. Where do we add an event?
- Whether the web application will run without web.config in asp.net application?
- What are object available in Ado.net?
- What is AppDomain?Maximum pool size in ado.net connection string?
Need some question from SQL,MVC,Jquery,AngularJS,WCF . if it is possible.
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