How to solve Fizz Buzz Problem in C#

In this article, we will learn here a simple Program where Prints from 1 to 200 and for multiples of  2, it displays "Fizz" and for multiples of 7, it displays Buzz. For numbers which are divided by both 2 and 7, it displays Fizz Buzz.

using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Text;

namespace testconsole


 class Program


  static void Main(string[] args)


   int totalnumber = 200;

   int fizz = 2; //2 for fiz 

   int buzz = 7; // 7 for Buz 

   for (int i = 1; i <= totalnumber; i++)


    if (i % fizz == 0 && i % buzz == 0) // display FizBuz If  number is divide by 2 and 7


     Console.WriteLine("fizz Buzz");

    } else if (i % fizz == 0 && i % buzz != 0) // Diplay fiz if number divided by 2



    } else if (i % buzz == 0 && i % fizz != 0) // Diplay Buzz if number divided by 7



    } else // else display number inseated of Fiz/Buzz/FizBuzz










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